Thursday, July 7, 2016

Thursday's assignment

Task 1:

Read the following adjectives for emotions and identify which words describe a positive, neutral or negative feeling. If necessary, look up unfamiliar words in a dictionary. Some words may fit into more than one category.

• ambivalent • discouraged • overwhelmed
• annoyed • embarrassed • regretful
• anxious • enthusiastic • relieved
• apprehensive • frustrated • shocked
• concerned • furious • thrilled
• content • grateful • uneasy
• defensive • grieving • vulnerable
• determined • miserable • wary
• disappointed • optimistic • upset


ambivalentoverwhelmed,  shockedthrilled


Task 2:

The list above contains adjectives to describe emotions. Where possible, change them into nouns. Then, choose five of the emotions from the list above. For each emotion, describe a situation you have experienced that made you feel this way.

ambivalence, shockthrilldefensevulnerabilitywaryness   

grateful - That is so grateful the German soccer team is the new champion.
shocked - I was shocked when I heard someone I know passed away last night. 
determined - Finally, we agreed to each other to begin a determined travle.
discouraged - They always discouraged Lisa when every time she tried to go to the gym.
upset - I was so upset when the China team lost the game again.

Task 3:

Listen to three short dialogues. Complete the chart to identify each situation, the relationship between speakers, and their emotional states. What helped you to identify each speaker’s emotions (e.g., tone, phrases)?

Relationship between speakers
Speakers’ emotions
Old friend did not meet each other for a long time come to visit new house. Friends Happy, Excited
The student's mother meet the teacher to talk about the kid's problem Teacher and student's mother Serious, patient
Visit the friend who just lost one of his family. Friends Upset